About us
Thank you so much for taking the time to read a little bit about our story and how the Timber Child Natural Lifestyle Brand came to be! Our daughter Scarlette was born in 2016 and we quickly realized that the majority of the products offered to new parents were full of toxic crap! Some included harmful chemicals, petroleum-based products, preservatives, and even formaldehyde. While continuing our research as Scarlette got older and began eating solid foods, we found it was close to impossible to find truly natural, Eco-friendly plates with no plastics, melamine or laminates. This is when James and I started thinking about producing a Canadian made product with Canadian materials. We started with designs, then some trial and error tray like things, experimented with different types of wood, all sorts of finishes and finally at the end of 2016 we had our first Canadian Maple wooden plate.
The next year we started going to local markets and selling the plates through our website. Like any new business, we have learned along the way. We have found out what works, what doesn't work and have made a few mistakes. We have stopped producing smaller plates and have discontinued some designs, naturally evolving and learning as we go. We have had such an incredible response to our products and an amazing outpouring of support from the public which made us realize it wasn't just about the plates, but that people were wanting alternatives to mass-produced big box options and the demand for natural products made in Canada is growing very quickly.
Since 2016 Timber Child has grown into more than just a small business that produces plates; it's become a respected lifestyle brand! Along with the products we make, we now offer a new lifestyle blog that provides you with tips and ideas from learning how to shop bulk to prepping healthy meals for toddlers and how to thrift like a pro! We are looking forward to the rest of 2025 and have some new products and incredible collaborations to share with you all. Thank you again for coming on this journey with us and please come hang out with us on Instagram as we're always coming up with new ideas and love sharing about our adventures!